Update from the Principal

Dear Parents, 

It is delightful to be able to write to you again and acquaint you with key events and achievements since the previous whole school newsletter. It is hard to believe that we are fast approaching the end of the academic year and already looking forward to the next one! As always, we have all experienced our ups and downs this year but made much progress in laying solid foundations to make our next academic year one to be highly proud of.

In recent weeks our students have been taking benchmark assessments such as GLs (UK) and MAPs (US), in English, mathematics and science. Secondary students in key stages 4 and 5 have also been taking their GCSE and A/AS Level public examinations. Our American curriculum students are taking their end of Semester 2 assessments also. Teachers and leaders have worked hard to prepare our students for these tests and examinations, and we look forward to celebrating the outcomes for all our students.

I take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for your ongoing cooperation and understanding. We wish you and your children a wonderful, restful and enjoyable summer once onsite schooling comes to an end. We also hope you will take advantage of the summer learning programme we will be offering our students on our digital learning platforms. This will help our students to be well prepared for the new academic year.

Some agreed changes for the next academic year 2023-2024

As we come to the end of another academic year, we look forward with much excitement and anticipation to the next one. This will be a great milestone in the history of SRS, celebrating 25 years of committed educational service to the local community.

We have taken time to think carefully about how to further improve the school so that we maintain exceptional standards in provision and achieve high outcomes in students’ achievement and personal development. I would like to highlight some of the changes you will see when our students return to school at the end of August:

  • We will be strengthening communication and the sharing of information in Year 7 and 8 so that parents and students experience a much smoother transition from Year 6 into Year 7.
  • Monthly parents consultation meetings in the first term so parents can discuss with their child’s subject teachers how their child is settling in and getting on.
  • We are introducing curriculum booklets for Years 7 and 8, to acquaint parents with what their child will be learning for the whole academic year. Every subject will be covered, giving an outline of the topics taught in every learning cycle and information about assessment supported by additional website links.
  • Parents will receive a weekly curriculum update, which highlights the learning happening in every subject that week. Refer below for the sample weekly curriculum update.

There will be a sharper focus on behaviour management across the schools; poor behaviour and attendance will not be tolerated. The school will become a mobile free zone, hence mobile phones will not be permitted in any shape or form. This is to ensure better safeguarding for all students, respect for UAE privacy laws, and a consistently strong focus on learning. Students not conforming to school rules and expectations will continue to be supported to help them improve quickly.

The above measures, alongside those already in place, will ensure that our prime focus is always our core business, teaching and learning. I know you will continue to support us in ensuring that all our students get the best opportunity to unleash their potential and achieve more than they think they are capable of achieving. Our job is to create the conditions to enable that to happen.

Dr. Nasim Butt
RSI Director/Principal

Arabic and Islamic Studies News: أخبار القسم العربي وفعالياته

1.بطولة المؤمن القوي"

أجرى القسم العربي بطولة في كرة القدم تحت مسمى "المؤمن القوي" للصفين الخامس والسادس، وكان الهدف منها تقوية العلاقات بين الطّلبة والمعلّمين، وبين الطّلبة أنفسهم، وكذلك زرع الابتسامة والسعادة على محيّاهم من خلال مشاركتهم في أنشطة يحبّونها. كانت أجواء البطولة رائعة جدًّا وممتلئة بالطّاقة والمنافسة المحمودة، وفاز الصّفّ السّادس فضّي وتوّج كبطل على مستوى مرحلة السّادس، وكانت المباراة النّهائيّة للصّفّ الخامس يوم الأربعاء 31/05/2023 وتوجّ الصف الخامس أزرق كبطل على مستوى مرحلة الخامس.
SRS awards

2.نشاط سِينما الشّعر العربي

نشاطٌ شِعريٌّ إبداعيّ، من تصميم الطالبات، إذْ تختارُ الطالبةُ مَقطوعةً شِعريّةً متميزةً، وتصمّم مقطعًا مرئيًّا (فيديو) يتناغم ومحتوى القصيدة، ثمّ تُلقيها أمام لجنة التحكيم، إلقاءً إبداعيًا متقنًا، مع حضور أولياء الأمور، وهيئة التدريس. تقدّمت ثمانية وأربعون طالبةً من الصفوف (7-11)، من المدرستين الأمريكية والبريطانية، بإبداعهنّ السينمائي الشعريّ، للتنافس على اللقب.

3.نشاط دوري الأبطال

تنافس معرفيّ، في مجالات ثقافية (اللغة العربية والثقافة الإسلامية)، يتعرف الطلبة معلومات من التاريخ الإسلاميّ، وأعلام الشعراء العرب، والأمثال العربية، والمعجم العربي، وظواهر لغوية، وكتب ومؤلفون. تقدّم ألفٌ وسبعمئة واثنان وثمانون (1782) طالبًا وطالبةً، من المدرستين البريطانية والأمريكية، للتنافس على لقب "بطل دوري الأبطال"، وَصَلَ التصفياتِ النهائيةَ مئة (100) طالبٍ وطالبةٍ، معَ أولياء أمورهم، في حضور هيئة المعلمين، ولجنة التحكيم، وقد حصد طلاب الصف العاشر أزرق لقب البطولة على قسم الأولاد، وكانَ اللقبُ في قِسمِ الطالبات مِن نصيبِ الصفّ العاشر أصفر.
SRS group work

4.نشاط الاختبار الجمعيّ

يتعلم الطلبة مهارات البحث والتوثيق العلميّ، من خلال نشاطٍ بحثيٍّ، يقومُ بجمعِ مادَّتِه مجموعةٌ منَ الطلبةِ، عن طريقِ التعلُّمِ الذاتيِّ الجماعيّ، غيرِ المتجانِسِ، ويقيِّمونَ أنفسَهم ذاتيًّا. ثم يقوم الطلبة بعرض بحوثهم وبيان مصادر البحث... يهدف النشاطُ إلى تعزيز العمل التعاوني لدى الطلبة، وزيادة المخزون المعرفي والحصيلة المهاريّة لديهم، ورفع قدراتهم على التعلم الذاتي، وتقييم أنفسهم بأنفسهم. استهدف النشاط طلبة الصفوف 6-12 جميعهم، من المدرستين الأمريكية والبريطانية أي بما يعادل (1902) طالبًا وطالبًة.

6.مشروع القيم

روح تعاليم الإسلام، القيم والأخلاق، ركّز القسم العربي/ التربية الإسلامية على هذا المشروع الذي يجمع بين الجانب النّظري والتّطبيقي العمليّ، لمجموعة من القيم المهمة كحب الله، والرسول، والأخوّة، ونبذ العنصرية والتنمر وغيرها.

5. مشروع الوضوء والصلاة

تدريبات ميدانية، وخطوات عمليّة، يُتقنُ فيها طلابنا جميعًا الوضوءَ والصلاةَ، بسننهما وأركانهما، ضمن مشروعٍ متكاملٍ. دَرّب المعلمونَ جميعَ الطلبة تدريبًا جماعيًا ثمّ فرديًا، استعدادا للتقييم الذي أجرتْهُ لجنة خارجيّة، وفقَ معايير محدّدة.

7. مسابقة أجمل ترتيل

تنافس في جمال الترتيل، وإتقان التلاوة، مع حُسن الأداء، وجمال الصوت، يتدرب الطلبة على أدائه مع معلميهم، في تصفيات ثلاث، يظهرون فيها مهاراتهم التجويدية، التي تعلموها في المدرسة. ختمت بتصفية نهائية بين الأوائل في حفل مباشر في حضرة أولياء الأمور، ولجنة التحكيم. شارك فيها (1747) طالبًا وطالبةً.

9.مسابقة القرآن الكريم

مشروع صناعة الحفظة المتقنين، الذين يحملون كتاب الله في صدورهم حفظا وعملا وامتثالا! مسابقة بدأت منذ (25) عامًا، وقد اشترك فيها ما يزيد عن (2000) طالب وطالبة، وقد أجريت لهم التصفيات النهائية من قِبَلِ محفِّظِي القرآن الكريم في المدرسة.

8.معرض على خطى الحبيب

روح تعاليم الإسلام، القيم والأخلاق، ركّز القسم العربي/ التربية الإسلامية على هذا المشروع الذي يجمع بين الجانب النّظري والتّطبيقي العمليّ، لمجموعة من القيم المهمة كحب الله، والرسول، والأخوّة، ونبذ العنصرية والتنمر وغيرها.
school activities

10.فعاليّات رمضانيّة

تنوّعت الأنشطة التربويّة والثقافيّة في رمضان المبارك، لجميع المراحل، كالاعتكاف في المسجد، وإفطارات رمضانية، ومسابقات ثقافيّة ودينية، وبرامج ثقافيّة، وأنشطة رياضيّة،... وغيرها. وقد اشتركَ جميعُ الطلبة في القسم الثانوي، تقريبًا، في هذه الأنشطة، موزعةً على أيامِ الشهرِ الفضيلِ.

11.فعاليّات العيد

عايَشَ طلّابُنا أجواءَ العيدِ الجميلةَ، في بيئة تعليميّة تربوية آمنة، كتعليم آداب يوم العيد وسننه، وصلاة العيد، وقد صلّى طلّابنا في المصلّى الخاص بالمدرسة، واستمعوا إلى خطبة العيد، ثم ألقوا السلام والمباركات والمعايدات، في جو أخويٍّ، مليْء بالسعادة والفرح.
Students praying

12.يوم الإنجاز (الحفل السنوي)

يحتفل جميع الطلبة وللعام الخامس والعشرين على التوالي من الصف الأول حتى السادس بإنجازهم في قسم اللغة العربية، ويتجلى ذلك بتقديم الطلبة لأعمال مختلفة تتنوع بين النشيد والمسرحيات والإلقاء الفردي. اشترك في هذا العام مايقارب من 2000 طالب وطالبة.

13. المولد النبوي

نَفَّذَ القسم العربي مجموعة أنشطة تعرف الطلبة بسيرة النبي ﷺ، والقيمَ المستفادة منها، من ذلك: كتابة تعبير عن سيرة النبي ﷺ، وتخصيص حصة للسيرة النبوية، وإقامة معرض تعددت فيه العروض الطلابية، منها: زاوية الحكواتي، وزاوية عرض مقاطع تربوية خاصة بالرسول ﷺ، وتنفيذ مشاريع طلابية ومجسمات تحاكي (الكعبة، غار ثور، غار حراء، مسجد قباء، حُجُرات بيت النبي ﷺ وطعامه، وشجرة عائلته النبوية).
SRS school trip

14. رحلة إلى حديقة التماسيح

نظّم قسم اللغة العربية لطلبة الصف الرابع الابتدائي رحلةً إلى حديقة التماسيح، تعرَّفوا من خلالها على أنواع التماسيح وأماكن عيشها، في بيئة تعليمية تجمع بين المتعة والفائدة، ربط الطلبة ما شاهدوه بما تعلموه في حصص العلوم واللغة العربية، واستشعروا قدرة الله وعظمته في خلقه.

Primary School News​

writing activity for kids

FS Live Teaching

In FS we were very excited to invite parents to our live phonics teaching event. After a short briefing from Mr. Michael and Early Years Leaders parents were led to classes along the corridor to witness their child receiving a session.

Teachers used Flash cards, rhymes and repetition to embed knowledge and then pupils used their Phonics books to showcase their letter formation and phonic knowledge. Parental feedback is very important to us, and therefore parents were given the opportunity to ask questions to leaders.

FS1 and FS2 have been developing their design and technology skills.

FS1 explored the concept of ‘Food Technology’. They explored a range of fruit and vegetables using their five senses, designed recipes and investigated how to safely use tools to prepare food. FS2 developed their design skills to build boats to help the penguin from our story focus, ‘Lost and Found’ return to his home in Antartica. They investigated the concept of ‘waterproof’ and tested a range of materials through floating and sinking experiments to decide on what materials to use for their designs.
cooking activity

KS1 Open Phonics Event

KS1 had the pleasure of welcoming parents into our Phonics Open Day events. It was a joy to showcase the learning and high-quality teaching that is taking place, allowing parents to further understand our ethos around the teaching and learning of phonics. The children were very excited to see their parents in the class and we very much look forward to hosting similar events in the future.  

Year 3 go to the wild

Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic trip to The Arabian Wildlife Centre. They were able to reinforce classroom learning and see real-life examples of animals, plants and rocks. The dinosaur fossils were definitely a favourite. (photos)

Year 4 go the extra mile for PE

Year 4 staff had some great refresher training from Mr Steven to share good ideas for indoor PE lessons whilst it is hot. It has been brilliant to see the children enjoying these activities with their teachers.

Junior School News

art class
Year 6 girls had the rare treat of spending time with a world-renowned contemporary abstract artist at the end of May. Peter Triantos, visiting from Canada, conducted an Art masterclass with our students who asked many probing questions about his life and work. The key messages of creativity, authenticity and the importance following your heart no matter the obstacles, were warmly received by our students who also got a chance to create their own Abstract pieces!
The summer term has been a busy one for the Junior PE department, who have been preparing for the Dubai Schools Games. In May, teams across the school successfully competed at the swimming competition at Hamdan Sport Complex. This month, the Unified Games and the U13 badminton tournaments both take place at the World Trade Centre. The badminton team, in particular, have been staying late after school and practicing during their break times to make sure that they are as prepared as possible. Good luck to both teams!

UK Secondary School News

We have recently unveiled the SRS Golden Standard certificate in the UK Secondary. This is our most prestigious award, and it is given to students that have received zero demerits (negative points) for four consecutive weeks.

To make the award as desirable as possible, we will ensure that it forms part of the student permanent record. This means that whatever ventures our students move on to in the future, this accolade will accompany them.

In addition, the certificates will have the signature of the SRS Principal, Dr Nasim. Again, this is to demonstrate how highly we esteem their efforts and good conduct.


Graduation Parade

We are thrilled to share the exciting news of our recent senior graduation parade at the School of Research Science. It was a day filled with joy, celebration, and well-deserved recognition for our senior students.

The parade took place right here at our school, and it was a fantastic opportunity for the graduating seniors to showcase their accomplishments and hard work. We were honoured to have members of the Dubai Police join us, showcasing their amazing skills on the drums and providing an exciting atmosphere throughout the route.

The turnout for the parade was amazing, with students, teachers and staff members coming together to support and applaud our graduating seniors. The atmosphere was electric as everyone united to celebrate their achievements.

Throughout the parade route, students lined up with flags and banners creating a festive ambiance. As the seniors proudly marched, they were met with cheers, applause, and words of encouragement from the entire school community. It was a heart-warming display of unity and appreciation.

This parade was a special moment for our graduating class to reflect on their educational journey and the memories they have made at SRS . It was a time to cherish the friendships formed, the knowledge acquired, and the personal growth experienced.
More importantly, the senior graduation parade marked a transition to the next chapter in their lives. As they bid farewell to high school, the parade served as a symbol of their bright futures and the countless opportunities that lie ahead.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Dubai Police for their valuable contribution to the event, which added an extra touch of excitement and energy. We would also like to express our gratitude to the students teachers and staff members whose enthusiastic participation made the parade a resounding success.

US High School News

Message from the Acting Principal

Dear SRS Parents,

We are excited to share with parents some of the school events that our students have been engaged in, as well as some upcoming school events that students will be participating in.

Students have been attending a myriad of field trips. During the month of May students attended the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center (MBRSC), as well as ESMOD. In the month of June, some students will have the opportunity to attend Emirates Flight Training Academy (EFTA).

We held our first ever Electives Fair on May 16th and 17th for grades9 -11 students, where they chose their elective courses for the next school year, for both Semester 1 and Semester 2. Students chose from an array of elective courses that will help them make decisions about their college and career pathways.

Beginning May 22nd , students in grades 9 – 11 began taking their Spring MAP Assessments in English, Math and Science. Grades 9- 11 students take MAP assessments 3 times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring); making progress on MAP assessments is one of the UAE National Agenda priorities.

On June 6th and 7th , we will have a rewards ceremony for students who have achieved a grade of a 90 and above in their classes. We will be recognizing those students who have shown high achievement in their core classes as well as in their electives classes.

Students will begin taking their Semester 2 exams, on June 14th. The Semester 2 exam schedule has been shared with parents, please call the school for any inquiries regarding Semester 2 exams.

On June 19th , we are looking forward to the Grade 12 graduation. Congratulations to all parents of the 2023 Senior Class, we share in your excitement.

We want to thank all parents for their ongoing support this school year, we are looking forward to a great rest of the school year and finishing SRS strong.

Dr. Dawn Stoner
SRS US High School, Acting Principal

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