Update from the Principal

Dear Parents, 

Welcome to the first whole school newsletter of the year. We wish all our students and their families a happy and productive academic year, full of academic successes as well as personal joy and fulfilment in their endeavours.  

All staff are committed to implementing our value of personalisation across both schools and Arabic sections. Students are responding well to this, and also to our student learner profile which we call the 6 Cs. These are critical thinking, character, collaboration, citizenship, creativity and collaboration. Students are being rewarded for demonstrating the 6Cs and we are improving further the links between the learner profile and the academic curriculum.  

Students have also been inducted into the school’s expectations for personal conduct and academic standards this year. You will have noted some important changes in this regard that we have shared with you since the start of the year. This is to ensure that our total focus and commitment is to learn whilst our students are in the school building and premises. I look forward to your continued support for the rest of the year to help bring about excellent outcomes for every student.  

Dr. Nasim Butt
RSI Director/Principal

Launch of SRS Houses

At SRS we have four houses that each child in allocated to, this gives them a sense of belonging beyond the class or the year group. We can celebrate this membership with competitions, Sports Days and other events and they can accumulate points for their house. Ms Elham is in charge of the running and point system for the houses 

The houses were thought up by our children and they even designed the logos. 

The House Launch Day was on Friday 6th October 2023 and all students were invited to come to school wearing the colours of their House.  

SRS clubs


InvestIQ was launched in assemblies on Monday, 2nd of October. These were to launch the new lessons to be delivered by the mathematics department. Each week, students in Year 7 and Year 8 will undertake practical lessons in business, economics, and finance – they will then meet with business leaders from across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and hear from speakers who can inspire and enrich their minds. In addition, the course will provide many opportunities for applying this newfound knowledge.

On Monday, the guest speakers were Mr Aboozar Ali Shahriari and Mrs Alhanoof Ahmed Majan. The students found the speakers exceptionally engaging, and without a doubt, the event served as a great source of inspiration for them.

Already, students are beginning to think about business ideas that they can apply both inside the school, and beyond.

Sports Update

This week SRS Sports Teams competed in their first DASSA fixtures, both in school and visiting other schools. The school are very proud of the 104 pupils who represented both primary and secondary school and we are looking forward to the numbers growing next week.

A special mention to our ambitious and talented U16 girls basketball team who are representing the school in both the U16 and U19 basketball leagues.

boys sports team
A summary of results
Year 3 and 4 vs Star Al Twar​ - Win
Year 3 vs Star Mirdif - Win
Year 4 vs Star Mirdif - Win
Year 5 vs Star Mirdif - Win
Year 6 vs Star Mirdif - Win
Year 7 vs Uptown International School - Win
Year 7 vs Star Al Twar - Loss
Year 8 vs Sheffield International School - Win
Year 9 vs English College - Loss
U16 Basketball vs Diera U19 - Loss
Year 9 vs Al Salam Community School - Loss
U16 Girls Basketball vs Cambridge International School - Win

Arabic and Islamic Studies News: أخبار القسم العربي وفعالياته

القرآن الصباحي:

انطلاقة برنامج القرآن الصباحي يوم الإثنين الموافق 2023/09/04، حيث شارك ما يزيد على ألف طالبٍ وطالبة من جميع المدرسة، علماً أن البرنامج يبدأ من السابعة صباحاً حتى السابعة وخمس وعشرين دقيقة.

المعلومات الأساسية في التربية الإسلامية واللغة العربية والاجتماعيات:

انطلاقة برنامج المعلومات الأساسية في القسم العربي والذي يشكل مفاتيح المعارف والمفاهيم للمواد؛ ليقف الطالب على أرضية صلبة، وتهدف بذلك إلى تذكّر وتثبيت ما أخذه الطالب في السنوات الماضية، أما الفئة المستهدفة فهي جميع الطلبة من الأول حتى الثاني عشر.

الاختبارات التشخيصية:

أُجريت الاختبارات التشخيصية في مادتي اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية يوم الإثنين الموافق 2023/09/11 حتى الجمعة الموافق 2023/09/15؛ وذلك للوقوف على مستوى كل طالب بعينه، ثم بدأنا العمل مع الطلبة حسب مستوياتهم بناءً على تحليل النتائج.


قمنا في القسم العربي، بتنفيذ العديد من الدورات التدريبية لمعلمي ومعلمات القسم العربي حيث أخذ التدريب أشكالاً مختلفة ومنها التدريب الجمعي والفردي والفتري والتوأمة مثال: التخطيط، ثقافة السؤال الصفي، المعلم الشامل، مهارة المحادثة، ميزات الحصة المتميزة، التصحيح المتميز، المناظرات، القراءة الجهرية، مهارات التعلم وتدريس الإملاء.

مسابقة القرآن الكريم- في دورتها السادسة والعشرين.

إرسال رسالة خاصة بمسابقة القرآن الكريم للبدء في تجهيز الطلبة الراغبين في المشاركة.

مقروء- البرنامج الإلكتروني الخاص بالقراءة:

انطلاق برنامج مقروء يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 2023/09/19 والذي يهدف لرفع المخزون المعرفي وتحسين مستوى القراءة لدى الطلبة من الصف الثاني الابتدائي حتى الصف العاشر.

المولد النبوي:

لقد قام القسم العربي بتطبيق أنشطة مختلفة تهدف إلى تعريف الطلبة سيرة الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم، والمعاني التربوية المستفادة منها، من خلال مجموعة من الأفكار التربوية ومنها:
- مسابقات دوري الأبطال.
- عروض تقديمية خاصة بالأطفال تلائم المرحلة العمرية.
- معرض على خطى الحبيب.
- عبارات حب إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
- عرض برنامج "بالمصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم نقتدي".


برنامج يبدأ من الروضة الأولى حتى السادس؛ وذلك لرفع المستوى القرائي للطلبة، حيث يتسلم الطالب قصة، ثم تُحدّد له صفحات معينة ليقرأها في البيت، على أن يقرأها في المدرسة مع معلمة القراءات.

Primary School News​

It was an exciting start to the year for the Primary School, we welcomed Dubai police and esteemed guests on our first day back as the country marked a ‘No Accident Day, cartoon characters were there to welcome our eager students as they began their Academic Year 2023/24 adventure! 

It has been great to open our doors and host events for our SRS community; a close relationship between home and school is so crucial to a productive year. We have had several successful ‘Welcome Meetings, parent workshops and award evenings with Curriculum Open events to follow in October. It has been great to see so many parents taking an active role in their child’s education. 

emotional intelligence

As part of our Social Responsibility programme older students have been supporting younger students in classrooms, this is a wonderful opportunity for our younger students to be inspired by their older peers and a chance for our more mature students to develop their leadership skills. It is initiatives such as these that promote one of the 6 C’s – Citizenship, remembering that we are all part of a bigger picture and all have something special to offer! 

UK Secondary School News

We are delighted to announce that we have had a spectacular start to the year at SRS Secondary UK – with students on their best behaviour, earning more PROUD Points than ever before.

In terms of events, we hope that all parents enjoyed the information event with teachers (12th September). Although we know that secondary school can be a daunting time for many parents, we want you to understand that we are with you every step of the way, to ensure that all students are settled and cared for in terms of their wellbeing.

We will keep you posted with any future events, such as the Parental Consultation Day on the 16th of November 2023 – and look forward to seeing you all there.

In a heart-warming celebration of the Prophets birthday, our Year 12 students recently came together to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, an event that saw both students and teachers in attendance. With a spirit of reverence and respect, our Year 12 students took the lead in organising a memorable presentation aimed at shedding light on the personal qualities and exceptional etiquettes of the beloved Prophet Muhammad. 

Through meticulously prepared PowerPoint presentations, they beautifully illustrated the life and profound contributions of the Prophet to society. This event not only showcased the dedication and cultural richness of our students but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of understanding and emulating the noble teachings of Prophet Muhammad in our lives. It was a moment of unity, education, and inspiration that brought our school community closer together, fostering a deeper appreciation for the timeless wisdom of the Prophet. 

US High School News

Greetings US High School Parents 

We’ve had a fantastic start to the 23-24 academic school year. 

This year, our primary focus is on ensuring alignment with our schools’ vision of “enlightening young minds with the gift of powerful knowledge”. With this in mind, we have several exciting things happening this year.  

  • Implementation of the School “Mobile Free Zone” so that students can focus on their academics with minimal distractions. 
  • Weekly student assemblies across all grade levels, where we commend students for positive behaviour and engage students in activities related to well-being.  
  • Student Council Elections, we are in the process of electing our Grade 12 class president and vice president. 
  • My Social Responsibility with Grade 9 has begun.  These students are supporting younger students in the primary school, and being positive role models to them. 
  • Grade 12 students are participating in University Fairs, this helps students to weigh their university options and make sound decisions about their academic future. 
  • Grade 9 – 11 students have started taking their Map Assessment external exams this week. Our goal is to improve students’ progress and attainment on external assessments this year.
  • Parent Information Session on 5th October 2023.  

Lastly, a reminder that Quarter 1 ends on November 3rd and shortly thereafter, students will receive their quarter 1 grade reports. 


Dr. Dawn Stoner
Head of SRS US High School

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