Update from the Principal

Term 2 is well under way and started with sixth form students in the British school taking examinations and US curriculum students have completed their end of semester summative assessments. Staff were there to support students with additional intervention sessions where required.

It is essential that students in every phase attend school every day and arrive on time. Nothing beats the onsite learning experience delivered by qualified teachers and subject specialists. We place a huge emphasis on ensuring that teachers have subject expertise because we believe in the power of subject disciplines to transform the minds of students through the acquisition of knowledge and skills. The quality of thinking of a student improves when they have more knowledge and understanding in any subject. High attendance and a commitment to study are of course the key to this, as enshrined in the values, attitudes and attributes of the High Performance Learning (HPL) framework that is embedded in the British school.

This term is packed with high-quality educational events in which the Heads of School are happy to share with you.  

The LWB activities and interventions have started this week. Please encourage your child to take advantage of these learning opportunities. 

Dr. Nasim Butt
RSI Director/Principal

Whole School News

High Performance Learning - Spotlight - Creativity

One of the key learning skills we introduced to the students and enable them to develop is the skill of creativity. The Primary School took part in DT sessions enabling the students to plan innovative designs, discuss these with their peers and then create original outcomes to meet the needs of an objective. There were some incredible results, it was pleasing to see the students building upon the key skills of creativity, something they will need as they transition to secondary. For more information about our High Performance Learning approach please see the school website https://srsdubai.ae/high-performance-learning/

Arabic and Islamic Studies News: أخبار القسم العربي وفعالياته

1.يوم اللغة العربية:

احتفلت المدرسةُ الابتدائيةُ؛ طلابًا ومعلمين بيوم اللغة العربية في يوم الثلاثاء 24/جمادى الآخرة/1444هـ الموافق 17/يناير/2023م. في هذه المناسبة نعبّر عن افتخارنا بلغة القرآن الكريم، وحُبّنا لها، وتنفيذ مجموعة فعاليات، تهدف إلى غرس حب اللغة وقداستها، في نفوس طلبتنا، وتعظيم انتمائهم لها.

2.نظام التكريم:

تكرّم المدرسة طَلبتها أسبوعيًا، دعمًا لهم، وتقديرًا لإنجازاتهم المتعددة، منها: التقدم، والتحصيل، والتفوق في الكتابة الإبداعية، والتميز في الخط العربّي الجميل، والمواظبة على الصلاة، وعلى القراءة الحرة من برنامج مقروء، والمشاركة الصفية والمواظبة على حضور الحصص على وقتها، وغيرها من الإنجازات، التي ترفع من أداء الطالب وتقدمه.

3.دوري الأبطال:

انطلقت يوم الإثنين 15/جمادي الأخرة/1444 هـ الموافق9/يناير/2023 م مسابقة دوري الأبطال/ الموسم الثالث في المدرسة، وهي فعالية تنافسية معرفية في سبع مجالات منها: مبدعون عرب، أمثال عربية، المعجم العربي، شعراء العصور، كتبٌ ومؤلّفون . يتعرفون خلالها إلى إشراقة علمية وجرعة معرفية وإطلاقة تاريخيّة، يتسلحون بالعلم النافع والخُلُق النبيل.

Primary School News​

Extreme Reading!

We were so impressed with the effort put into extreme reading over the winter break, so much creativity! It is great to see so many of our pupils spending time reading over the break. Please keep this as a focus and stay tuned for more reading competitions.

The Primary School get creative

This term our primary students took part in DT sessions, developing their creative skills! They researched projects, planned and created original and innovative designs which they then evaluated. There were some very impressive outcomes. We are very proud of them all.

Junior School News

Every Child an Entreprenuer!

Following on in the footsteps of the Year 6 Girls last November, the remaining sections of the Junior school set up their own stalls for some amazing Commercial Souks!

The children learnt so much about teamwork, accountability and enterprise by creating their own mini-business for a day. We were so proud of the students’ resilience, creativity and resourcefulness and know that this was an experience that they will never forget.

Wellbeing – Healthy Eating

A healthy, balanced diet is key to our wellbeing and mental health and students at SRS have been exploring how to adopt more healthy diets. Year 6 Girls, for example, have visited our Food Technology classroom to design and make their own Healthy breakfasts and Fruit Salads. Delicious!

Student Leadership

Can students really make a difference in their community? Can their ideas be heard and acted upon? Can a 10 year-old have an impact in a large school such as SRS? YES, YES, YES! That’s why in the Junior section we have an array of student leadership positions including Eco-Leaders, Digital Leaders, House Captains and Wellbeing Leaders. The students have so many impressive ideas to make our community healthier and happier so we can look forward to seeing their impact over the next few months!

UK Secondary School News

My Social Responsibility

This term has been fun-filled for the students and all year groups have had the benefit of experiencing the SRS Souq – where students put their business acumen to the test. In 8 Silver, one student was able to turn one dirham into a hundred in little under an hour, a testament to skills they had been learning in enterprise. That students were able to comport themselves so respectably, with all year groups from across the schools present, is a testament to the high standards and expectations of their teachers.
In addition to the souq, students have also succeeded academically in a number of assessments – science, mathematics, and physical education (PE). Due to these considerable achievements, teachers have been keen to reward the students. The class that we would like to highlight as the highest achievers of the past week is 8 Green – 996 achievement points in five days! We are hoping that one form can earn 1,000 achievement points and thereby merit an activity that will be as successful as the souq activity has been.

US High School News

Hello SRS Parents,

What a great time of the year! I hope you enjoy our Newsletter and updates about the progress we are making.

It was exciting to see the parents during our Consultation Day last November.

Everyone in our school community has worked very hard during the first term and we are proud with the outcomes.

As most of you are aware, we will be making significant changes in some of the student schedules at the start of the second semester as they choose electives. Our timetable will adjust slightly to reflect these changes to accommodate every student. I am happy with our direction and look forward to more growth in 2023!

Please see some upcoming happenings in the US High School:

  • Learning Without Boundaries
  • Extended Learning and After School Enrichment Programs
  • Student Portfolios
  • Student Wellness Survey

On behalf of the entire staff at SRS, thank you for allowing us to partner in your child’s education.


Heath Bailey
SRS US High School

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