Welcome from the Principal

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the second newsletter of the academic year. We have had a positive term, building on the sound foundations established at the start of the year. Students have a clear understanding of the routines and expectations we have been in the process of embedding. Students respond well when they know what standards have been set and why. Most rise to the challenge when the culture is one of high expectation.

A significant part of the curriculum has been taught and learned from early years to sixth form (key stage 5). It is essential that parents continue to support their child’s learning by, for example, hearing them read books, asking them questions about what they have learned and providing a good learning environment at home. We continue to provide most year groups every week with guided independent learning tasks in maths, English and science on the Century learning platform. It is important students complete these to consolidate their progress in these core subjects.

I hope the parents of our Year 7 and 8 students find the weekly curriculum newsletter and curriculum booklet very useful. You receive weekly curriculum information and the curriculum content that is covered in every subject for the whole year. This is designed to help parents in organising and supporting their child’s learning. In addition, I hope you found the parents consultation afternoon (16th November) helpful in finding out how your children are progressing in every subject and what they need to do to improve further. This will be followed by report portfolios highlighting teacher and student PROUD work, supported by teacher commendations and recommendations.

I wish all our students and their parents a pleasant and restful winter break and look forward to the start of the new term on 2 January 2024.

Dr. Nasim Butt
RSI Director/Principal

SRS Sports News – Term 1 Round Up

It has been a very successful term for SRS Sports Teams across the primary and secondary school. Over 400 students have represented the school in over 61 competitive fixtures. The SRS Sports Team’s focus has been ‘Sport for All’ in term 1. However, it is testament to our students’ ability, parental support and staff expertise that we have had a very successful first term.

Congratulations must be passed on to all our teams who proudly represented the school. However, special mentions include Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 and Year 8 Football Teams for their impressive achievement of not losing a fixture. 

A special mention also to our junior swim team attending their first Gala and achieving third place; and finally, the pioneers of female sport at SRS, the Senior Girls Basketball team who represented the school in both under 16 and under 19 competitions. We are immensely proud of them all!

A big thank you goes to all SRS students who attended sports clubs and represented the school, to parents who often stayed late to support their children in practice and fixtures and to the SRS Sports Team whose commitment, enthusiasm and support made this possible.

The season has now ended, all extra-curricular sports clubs ceased on Friday 1st of December for the winter break. The SRS Sports Team will be in touch again early in January with our new expanded offering of SRS Sports Clubs.

We wish you all a restful and pleasant winter break.

UAE 52nd National Day

This year’s National Day was a hive of activities and fun treats for our pupils who loved the opportunity to dress up and honour UAE’s 52nd National Day. Whether it was sampling the delicious Luqaimat from our traditional food station or admiring the intricate Henna designed adorning the hands of excited students, the pupils were thrilled to celebrate this special occasion with their friends at school.

Arabic and Islamic Studies News: أخبار القسم العربي وفعالياته

School of Research Science

مسابقة الخطيب المفوّه:

في إطار صقل قدرات الطلبة ومهاراتهم في الخطابة والإلقاء ومواجهة الجهود انطلقت في عامها الخامس مسابقة الخطيب المفوّه، حيث شارك في التصفية الأولى 989 طالباً وطالبةً، وتأهل إلى التصفية الثانية 285 طالباً وطالبةً، وستجرى التصفية النهائية مطلع الفصل الدراسي الثاني، وركزت لجان التحكيم على إتقان الطلبة للغة السليمة والتواصل البصري وحركات الجسد المناسبة والتنغيم الصوتي المنوع.

تطبيق برافو برافو:

أضاف القسم العربي تطبيقاً إليكترونياً جديداً اسمه " برافو برافو " كمبادرة إضافية من مبادرات إثراء المنهاج، يساعد التطبيق الطلبة على تحسين مهاراتهم في القراءة والكتابة والقواعد العربية، ما يميز التطبيق أنه يعطي الطلبة مجموعة من الأسئلة في مهارة محددة من قبل المعلم، ويبدأ مستوى الأسئلة بالنمو مع تمكن الطالب من الإجابات بشكل صحيح.

بطولة المناظرات:

يتنافس الطلبة في القسم العربي الثانوي في إبراز قدراتهم الشخصية على الإقناع وبيان الحجة في قضايا فكرية ثقافية، تأهل الفائزون على مستوى المدرسة ليتم تكريمهم وإعدادهم ليمثلوا فريق البحث العلمي للمناظرات.
School of Research Science
SRS Newsletter

الاختبار المعياري الدولي للغة العربية:

قدم طلبة مدرسة البحث العلمي من الخامس حتى العاشر الاختبار المعياري الدولي للغة العربية في مهارة الفهم والاستيعاب، ويعد هذا الاختبار من الاختبارات المعيارية المعتمدة داخل دولة الإمارات وخارجها، ستعطينا نتائج الاختبار مستوى طلبتنا بالنسبة لمدارس الشرق الأوسط في هذه المهارة، وسنشارك معكم نتائج الاختبار فور وصولها.
School of Research Science

مسابقة الحديث الشريف:

سعياً إلى ربط الطالب المسلم بالقدوة الحسنة تعظيماً واحتراماً واتباعاً، فقد انطلقت مسابقة الحديث الشريف في عامها الأول، وقد شارك في المسابقة 697 طالباً وطالبةً ليتأهل منهم للتصفيات الثانية الأوائل في كل مرحلة، وستجرى التصفيات الثانية أمام أولياء الأمور في مطلع الفصل الدراسي الثاني -إن شاء الله .

المسح القرائي:

أُجري المسح القرائي الثالث في مادة اللغة العربية من قادة المراحل الإثنين الموافق 2023/11/20 حتى الجمعة الموافق 2023/11/24. بهدف رصد تقدم الطلبة (كل طالب بعينه) وذلك للحصول على تغذية راجعة توجه العمل في المرحلة التالية.

معرض الكتاب:

شارك طلاب الروضة الأولى حتى الصف الرابع في معرض الكتاب الذي عقد في المدرسة الابتدائية من تاريخ 6/11/2023 حتى 10/11/2023 حيث حظي الطلبة خلال فترة المعرض بالتعرف على مجموعة واسعة من الكتب باللغة العربية واقتنائها. شارك أولياء الأمور أبناءهم في اختيار كتبهم وهذا كان له الأثر في تشجيع الطلبة على القراءة.

برنامج المكتبة الأسبوعي:

تم الاستمرار ببرنامج المكتبة الأسبوعي المرتبط ببرنامج القراءات، حيث يزور الطالب المكتبة المدرسية أسبوعيًا لاختيار قصة جديدة تناسب مستواه، ويقرؤها على مراحل يحددها معلم القراءات. بعد انتهاء الطالب من قراءة القصة يعيدها للمكتبة ليستعير كتابا جديدا.

Primary School News​

The Primary School has been a veritable feast of kindness, creativity and competition recently as we marked the annual Anti-Bullying week, enjoyed our artistic endeavors for our Art and DT drop-down days and our pupils excelled in our Champions League Spelling Bee challenge! We have certainly been developing the 6C’s in our students this term!

We explored our uniqueness and celebrated our differences on international Odd-Socks day and throughout the week students produced wonderful artwork along the ‘Anti-bullying’ theme, including inspirational messages of positivity on specially designed rocks to display in our Art Garden.  


Build Character

Learning to deep learn, to keep trying, to have integrity, empathy and compassion and to always be a learner. 

Kindness is a core ‘Character’ strength that our pupils embody on a daily basis.

UK Secondary School News

As we have entered the second half of the term for the academic year 2023-24, there have been yet more academic triumphs and exciting events for the students of SRS Secondary UK. At the end of October, students in Years 10 and 11 were rewarded for the social responsibility work undertaken with lower year groups – they now understand the importance of working with their peers in the lower years, thereby fostering a sense of community and imparting valuable life lessons. 

On the 3rd of November, we also celebrated Flag Day as a school. Rather than settle for simply raising the flags and singing the national anthem, we decided that a commercial souk would take place throughout the day. Students took part in all manner of activities – from penalty shootouts, through to archery and even carnival-style events. An assortment of flag-themed items was sold from the kiosks, with students (and even many staff members) taking advantage of the opportunity to buy flag-themed pens, badges, and scarves. 

The students remained after the event to count their profits, tallying these against their losses and expenses. Again, at SRS, the major theme for this year is InvestIQ – or how to use your money wisely to create sustainable businesses that yield profits. The commercial souk was a carefully planned business event that would teach our Key Stage 4 students how to invest wisely, while also providing enjoyment for our students in Key Stage 3 during a day of national celebration.

In terms of other events, students took part in a charity football match on Wednesday the 15th November. We have also held a Parental Consultation Day on the 16th of November, to ensure that communication between the school and its stakeholders remains very strong. To finish Learning Cycle 1, we staged Awards Assemblies to ensure that every student in the secondary school was rewarded for their hard work and efforts in this term.

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